Proprietary Traps and Openwashing Spin
Introducing Himmelblau: Seamless Azure AD Authentication for Linux [Ed: This does not seem like the step in the right direction but like stepping in TPM poo from Microsoft]
Microsoft’s Azure AD (Entra ID) is a popular choice for identity and device management. Until recently, Linux systems lacked a comprehensive solution for integrating seamlessly with these Microsoft services. Enter Himmelblau, a project meant to bridge the gap between Linux and Microsoft’s cloud ecosystem.
HashiCorp's license change
Readers have been pointing us to HashiCorp's announcement that it is moving to its own "Business Source License" for some of its (formerly) open-source products. Like other companies (example) that have taken this path, HashiCorp is removing the freedom to use its products commercially in ways that it sees as competitive. This is, in a real sense, an old and tiresome story.
The lessons to be drawn from this change are old as well. One is to beware of depending on any platform, free or proprietary, that is controlled by a single company. It is a rare company that will not try to take advantage of that control at some point.
Linux Foundation Aligns With The UN Sustainable Development Goals [Ed: Greenwashing of monopolies with the brand "Linux" for some openwashing too; norice these aren't technical people but marketing people]
Shaping the Future: A Conversation with Jory Burson on the 2023 State of Open Standards [Ed: Monopolies-led "Open" Standards]