Why I use Ubuntu
I think I started exploring Linux in 1995 with a Caldera CD that came with a massive book. I had two computers at the time, a Pentium II 400Mhz, which replaced an aged OG Pentium 200Mhz that I used for noodling around with stuff like Linux.
I didn’t switch full-time until around 2001. By then I’d started using Red Hat Linux. I used to get pretty annoyed with the ‘RPM Hell’ so when my good friend Hugo suggested I take a look at Debian which didn’t have this problem, I was interested.
I switched to Debian for a while. However, I got annoyed when kernel updates would break my Phillips webcam. The Philips webcam driver would require recompiling with each kernel update. I recall at the time the maintainer refused to allow it into Debian proper as it has some license questions.
Again, my friend Hugo, from the local Linux User Group suggested I look at Ubuntu, as they kept the pwc kernel driver in the distro, no recompilation needed by me.
So I switched to Ubuntu around the start of 2005, enjoyed the experience, and have used it ever since, on whatever my primary device is.