Gemini Articles of Interest
A Gemini client* is needed for the following links.
Technology and Free Software
Effluent and Pennies: The Amazon AI Flood
Since the explosion of ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other forms of generative AI, the word "hallucination" has experienced a spike in popularity. People have used it to describe when a generative system produces an unexpected result, something that we, with our expectations of truth, would call false, or a lie (or whatever).
Domiply: Your Friendly Neighborhood Gateway
Alternative protocols like Gemini have most of these barriers still, with the possible exception of setting up HTTPS.
Even if a non-technical person was able to write up some hand-rolled HTML, or even use some WYSIWYG to create their site, they are still faced with further difficult challenges before they can have anything to show for their effort.
There are services such as Github Pages which take care of some portion of these barriers. Once you configure your DNS to point to Github, and tell Github which repo should serve a particular domain, Github will automatically serve your website (with correct HTTPS) from a git repo. The user's barriers to entry have been reduced to three: configuring DNS, figuring out how to use git (not a small barrier by any means), and setting up a Github account.
Self-hosted Web and Gemini
As of this week, I've (somewhat) achieved the first milestone: my Website is being served by Halp, and both it and my Kiln-generated Gemini capsule are running on a Raspberry Pi in my cabinet: Raspberry Pi server racked
Halp itself is in a very hacked-up state - it only serves Web (not yet Gemini), it's running in a tmux session on the Pi, there's no log rotation, there's no caching (just an Nginx reverse proxy), and the Atom feeds are slow and not idiomatically named.
Why I don’t have to leave Gemini
Without Makeworld’s apps I wouldn’t‘ve published to Gemini in the first place so this is a huge deal.
Heaven knows I’ve often been kvetching ahout Gemini’s shortcomings but in the end it’s a format and a protocol. I’m no more likely to leave Gemini than I am to leave Atom.
In April someone on here (who apologized right away) slagged Gemini in a way that broke my heart and I just lost all motivation to write, felt like I had said it all anyway, and stopped writing for a while and many of you probably noticed that. I also stopped reading Antenna and even as I little-by-little started writing again, it took me way longer to start reading Antenna again. A four-month long break.
* Gemini links can be opened using Gemini software. It’s like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.