today's leftovers
Matěj Cepl: Ebook formats
This is just collection of alternatives to EPub for electronic books and similar stuff.
- Why to have alternative to EPub: The publishing industry has a problem, and EPUB is not the solution ? … the author (Jani Patokallio) has a bit of problem confusing EPub with DRM, but otherwise his point that ZIP archive of HTMLs would do at least as well as EPub is a valid one. Except of course there is absolutely no reader for such animal.
FOSS Week In Review: ‘Maddog’ on Red Hat, Cooking With Mint, Linux’s Big Mac Attack & more…
In this week's news roundup, our Christine Hall tells you what she thinks has gone wrong at Red Hat, and again tries to wrestle Elon Musk to the floor. In between, she covers some more of this week's FOSS news.
Xbox Cloud Gaming Improves Streaming Experience for Linux and ChromeOS Users [Ed: They can just use Steam Deck, not need for Microsoft 'clown' computing]