Gemini Articles of Interest
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Technology and Free Software
I have been enjoying the Old Computer Challenge phlog posts. I was thinking about participating with an old MDD G4 PowerMac but I pretty much realized that I'm more in love with the idea of the OCC rather than actually participating.
To be more specific, I adore old operating systems and UIs and hyper-efficient software and command lines...but the hardware part? not so much.
The fact that we all connect to SDF to use gopher and links and irssi is already a pretty fulfilling "retro" computing style for me.
I feel like if I had some version of Unix with a useable version of SSH, then I would be 90% able to do everything I need on a daily basis with one very big
Mac Classic Expansion Card
I bought a Macintosh Classic sometime early pandemic for nostalgia. I got a terminal emulator loaded up and connected to a Raspberry Pi, so I use it for writing or browsing the small web.
A few weeks ago, I started getting gray, horizontal lines on boot. I opened it up- and the mainboard on this thing is so strange. There's the main board with ports and what looks like a processor- then *another* board of similar size with another with a Motorola chip and RAM. The two boards are only mounted together by a socket that overlaps the processor, and very flimsy.
Blog Log No. 277
I just cannot keep this blog updated, can I? I write so much but never on here. I think sometimes this just turns into a journal and not a blog and that's a little too personal for my taste. Even though I don't know any of you. And, as always, you can't write back.
I am alive!
Someone on the Fediverse asked me why I am talking about using Gopher while I am silent here on my Gopherhole. Yes, I haven't posted for a longer while. But it isn't mean that I stopped using Gopher. I am alive and I am browsing Gophersphere daily. I for sure was reading [Old Computer Challenge Gopher Hole]. But this Phlog is intended for my Gopher research, and I haven't had anything interesting to add to that topic. I've been experimenting with Offpunk, but I've come across some problems with it. And during summer days I haven't found time for that. But the proper time will come in the future. Cheers!
P.S. The latest news on the Gophersphere is [GitHub proxy]. A nice thing, and it's something new.
Godwin's Law: Gaiden
this is a minor one, and will likely be a short one. this is in the genre of "using twitter drama as a jumping off point to complain about something".
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