today's howtos
How to Find Debian version
Is your machine running Debian but you don't know which version exactly you are running?
How to Install Linux Kernel 6.4 on Fedora Linux
The release of Linux Kernel 6.4 marks another milestone in the world of Linux. As one of the most vital components of the Linux operating system, the kernel has undergone significant advancements and improvements in this release. Let’s take a closer look at what makes Linux Kernel 6.4 stand out.
What are Exit Codes in Linux?
Unraveling the mystery of exit codes in Linux. Learn what are the exit codes and why and how they are used.
GNU Linux (Debian 11) how to run OSX as KVM Virtual Machine – How to upgrade Debian 11 to 12 (how to fix UNABLE TO DECRYPT THE ROOT HARDDISK AFTER UPGRADING X-|)
How to Deactivate IPv6 in NGINX and Resolve Nameserver Issues
Managing NGINX configurations is an essential skill in the realm of Linux system administration. One frequent operation is the deactivation of IPv6. This guide offers in-depth insights to assist you in smoothly disabling IPv6 in NGINX on a Linux system. Additionally, we will address a common issue related to the curveball nameserver resolver.
How to Install Linux Kernel 6.4 on Linux Mint
Following this guide will demonstrate how to install Linux Kernel 6.4 on Linux Mint 21 or the older stable maintained release Linux Mint 20, utilizing the Ubuntu Mainline kernel installer for the latest kernel version.
How to Install SmartCTL on Ubuntu 22.04-20.04
SmartCTL: A critical utility for modern Linux systems, designed to serve as an interface to the Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) system embedded in the current hard disk drives and solid-state drives.
How to fix curl: (6) Could not resolve host
Let’s face it: errors and disruptions in our digital workflow can be frustrating. But with the right guidance, we can turn these obstacles into learning experiences. One such hitch is the infamous ‘Curl 6: Could Not Resolve Host’ error in Linux systems.
Learn the Process of Executing POST Requests via cURL
cURL, an open-source command-line tool, is widely recognized for its ability to transfer data over a network. Among the various HTTP request methods it supports, POST is particularly significant as it facilitates data transmission to a server.
Nginx Reverse Proxy Configuration Examples
A reverse proxy is a highly recommended method for exposing an application server to the internet. Application servers, such as those running Node.js applications or a minimal built-in web server with Flask, often bind to localhost with a TCP port.
Nginx URL Redirection with Examples
In the ever-evolving landscape of the internet, the importance of URL redirection cannot be overstated. When the structure of a website changes, the URLs often change as well.
Understanding the Linux wall Command
For users and administrators of Linux, mastering the built-in commands is vital to unlocking the full power of this operating system. In our focus today is the wall command. Known as the broadcast message command, wall is a crucial tool allowing communication to all users logged into a Linux system at once.
Enable Full Light Mode (Panel, Dock, Overview) in Ubuntu 22.04 | 23.04
For those who prefer light theme, there’s an extension now to make all the GNOME Shell components to be light! Ubuntu so far has light and dark mode options available in the ‘Appearance’ settings page.
How to Mirror and Control Your Android Phone from Ubuntu?
While most screen mirroring apps do a good job of casting your phone’s display on a bigger screen, not many of them let you control your phone from another device. If you mirror your phone on a TV, you cannot use the remote controller to navigate through different apps. You still have to rely on your phone for that. PCs, on the other hand, offer more control options. Previously, we talked about how you can control your phone using a Windows PC. Now, let’s take a look at how you can mirror and control your Android phone from an Ubuntu (Linux) desktop.
How to Add or Change Keyboard Layouts on Linux
If you're someone who prefers to interact with computers in a language other than English, then keyboard layouts are a lifesaver for you. Most probably, you'd like to set your native language as your system's primary input language.
Even if you're used to typing in English, there are chances that you might not fancy the default QWERTY keyboard layout. Perhaps you're one of those people who own keyboards with unconventional layouts.