today's howtos
How to Install Chrome on Ubuntu
Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers in the world, and it has many features that make it a great choice for users of all levels. However, if you use Ubuntu as your operating system, you may need some help figuring out how to Install Chrome. Fortunately, the process is relatively easy and straightforward.
Exploring The Anatomy Of A Linux Kernel Exploit | Hackaday
A lot of talk and discussion happens anytime a hardware manufacturer releases a new line of faster, more powerful, or more efficient computers. It’s easy to see better and better specifications and assume that’s where all the progress is made. But without improved software and algorithms, often the full potential of the hardware can’t be realized. That’s the reason for the creation of io_uring, an improved system call interface in the Linux kernel. It’s also where [chompie] went to look for exploits.
The reason for looking here, in a part of the kernel [chompie] had only recently learned about, was twofold. First, because it’s a place where user space applications interact with the kernel, and second because it’s relatively new and that means more opportunities to find bugs. The exploit involves taking advantage of a complicated asynchronous buffer system, specifically at a location where the code confuses a memory location being used by the kernel with one which is supposed to be used for user space.
My Last Email with W. Richard Stevens
In the fall of 1998 I joined the AFCERT. I became acquainted with the amazing book TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols by W. Richard Stevens. About a year later I exchanged emails with Mr. Stevens. Here is the last exchange, as forwarded from my AFCERT email address to my home email.
Why use 'TEST-NET' IP addresses in general documentation instead of RFC 1918 ranges
If the person reading your documentation is in a green-field environment, it's true that the RFC 1918 address ranges are harmless. They can freely use any of them they want, including the ones your documentation. However, if the person reading your documentation isn't in such a green-field environment, some RFC 1918 address ranges may already be in use and routed in their environment; these are, in practice, 'public' IP ranges, just public inside their networks instead of public to the entire Internet. If your documentation's RFC 1918 ranges overlap with RFC 1918 ranges already in use, they'll get more or less the same problems as if they'd used public IPs.
Retiring Technology
So if you take the cost of the machine (~$2,220) and divide by the hours spent on it you can tell we have broken sub dollar range. For context if you spend $40 at a bar for 5 hours you got $8 an hour of socializing. I'm currently working at ~90 cents/hour of entertainment value on my computer which seems like I got my money's worth.
Though if we talk about network equipment or phones - that all goes out the window. I revamp those way before they reach the end of their life. So maybe there is no chance of understanding how I retire technology and replace it.
Domain verification using DNS
The issue is that domain verification using the DNS, while extremely important to the web’s security, is done in many different ways by different providers (some better than others). For example, here’s a real problem that occurs if you try to query for its TXT records (shortened for readability).