today's howtos
How To Remove Old Unused Linux Kernels
Each installed Linux kernel occupies a significant amount of disk space. Over time, as you update your kernel to newer versions, older kernels can accumulate on your system, taking up valuable disk space. By removing old kernels, you can free up disk space, allowing for more efficient utilization and preventing potential storage shortages. In this guide, we will learn how to find and remove old unused Kernels in Linux operating systems.
What Is the AUR in Arch Linux, and Should You Use It?
The AUR is one of the jewels in the crown of Arch Linux, providing thousands of additional software packages. But is this user-driven repository safe to use, or should you avoid it?
The AUR (Arch User Repository) is a community driven software repository that provides upwards of 85,000 software packages to Arch Linux users. Unlike other Arch repositories such as the core, extra, and multilib repositories, the AUR doesn’t host ready-to-install packages. In fact, it doesn’t host binary files or packaged software at all.
The AUR hosts package build files, called PKGBUILDs. These are shell scripts that are run by the Arch makepkg tool. When makepkg runs, it looks for a file called “PKGBUILD.” If it finds one, it opens it and follows the instructions inside it to create a software package archive on your computer. If you’re familiar with compiling on the command line, a PKGBUILD file and makepkg work together in a similar fashion to a MAKEFILE and the make utility.
The PKGBUILD instructions download source code files and other files that are required to create the package archive. The pacman tool is called automatically to install the software from the package archive.
Styling OPML and RSS with XSLT to XHTML
I do the same thing with my feeds. I normally see JavaScript libraries recommended, but it seems heavy and a bit redundant when our browsers can literally render it however we want for us, for free: [...]
Style your RSS feed
RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech users. However, many people do not know what RSS feeds are or how to use them. Most browsers render RSS as raw XML files, which doesn't help users understand what it's all about: [...]
In this post, I'll explain how to style RSS feeds and educate readers at the same time.
A further update on IPv6 extension headers
Following the publication of RFC 7872 in 2016, a number of research teams have been looking at the nature of network and host behaviours in discarding IPv6 packets with various extension headers (EH). The findings reported in RFC 7872 were a significant level of packet loss (‘significant’ being above 10% in all cases) for IPv6 packets that contained extension headers that carried Destination Options (DST), Hop-by-Hop Options (HBH) and Fragmentation Controls (Frag).
How to Set up a Bastion Server with Warpgate on Debian
A Bastion Server refers to a computer/machine/server that is designed and configured specifically to withstand attacks on computer networks. The functionality of the Bastion Server is similar to a proxy or load balancer for applications. It allows you to access computers or servers that are located in DMZ networks.
How to Open Port in Linux: Simple Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to open port in linux with step-by-step instructions. Discover the essential commands and configurations to enable smooth communication and enhance network connectivity on your Linux system
Understanding the LD_LIBRARY_PATH Environment Variable
In the world of Linux, environment variables play a crucial role in determining the behavior of various processes in the system. One such environment variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in Linux.
How to Install Passbolt CE Password Manager on AlmaLinux 9
Passbolt is a free and open-source password manager based on PHP, MySQL, and OpenPGP. It is a self-hosted application server, you can install it on your server. This tutorial will show you how to install Passbolt Password Manager with a MariaDB database server and Nginx web server on an AlmaLinux 9 server.
How to Install Prometheus and Node Exporter on AlmaLinux 9
Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting platform. In this guide, we'll go over the installation of Prometheus and Node Exporter step-by-step on AlmaLinux 9 servers.
How to Install LEMP Stack (Nginx, PHP and MariaDB) on Debian 12
The LEMP software stack is a group of open-source software that enables a server to host dynamic websites and apps written in PHP. It is an acronym for Linux, Nginx (pronounced as Engine-X), MySQL, and PHP.
How to Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Linux
Linux, with its unfathomable capabilities, has etched itself into the hearts of developers and system administrators. One of the quintessential elements in sculpting a resilient Linux environment is understanding the usage of environment variables, particularly LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
How to setup SMTP email on Ghost
In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure SMTP on Ghost.
Ghost is a content management system that you can use to manage content on your blog. In order to send emails from Ghost, one needs to configure emails manually on the
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How to Monitor Memory Usage with Smem in Linux
In the sophisticated world of Linux, efficient memory management is paramount for optimizing system performance. Smem is a robust memory reporting tool that arms you with the vital ability to keep an eagle eye on memory usage. >
How to start, stop, and restart services in Linux
Controlling services in Linux doesn't have to be a confounding experience. Here's how the process works and why it is often seen as an overly complicated task.