Programming Leftovers
This Week In Rust: This Week in Rust 498
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A User’s Guide to Understanding Redirection Operators in Bash
The command line is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal as a Linux user. While it may initially appear daunting, with the right knowledge, it can become an incredibly powerful asset. One key aspect of mastering the command line involves understanding redirection operators in Bash.
Setting Up a Port Forwarding Using Iptables in Linux
In computer networking, port forwarding is a technique that allows an outside user to reach a service on a private network that's otherwise inaccessible from the outside.
Getting Started with Linux Mint: Your Download Guide
In the realm of open-source operating systems, Linux Mint has become a beloved choice for many. Renowned for its versatility, Linux Mint boasts an intuitive and user-friendly environment that makes it a perfect gateway for those transitioning from other systems like Windows or MacOS.
How to Use filter_var() Function in PHP
The filter_var() function is used in PHP to filter a variable with a specified filter. For more details, follow this guide.
How to Use Die() Function in PHP
The die() function in PHP is used to handle fatal errors by displaying the message before terminating the script.
How to Use Dechex() Function in PHP
The dechex() function in PHP is used to convert the decimal value into hexadecimal value. For more details, follow this guide.
How to Use Calendar Functions in PHP?
PHP offers a wide range of calendar functions that are useful for managing and displaying date and time data. Follow this guide to learn about them.
How to Use ucfirst() Function in PHP
The ucfirst() function is a built-in PHP function that allows users to change the first letter of a string to uppercase, without modifying the rest of the string.
A retrospective on my thesis about language niches, fifteen years later
The obvious niche that I missed was 'languages that run in web browsers', which started out being JavaScript and has spiralled outward from there (first with other languages that transpile to JavaScript and more recently with WebAssembly (WASM)). This niche became a massive thing over the past fifteen or so years and even spilled out from web browsers proper, with applications being written in 'web shells' such as Electron (which I consider basically browsers because, as I understand it, the API is primarily the browser's DOM API).
Scala 3 Significant Indentation Woes: Sample
Here's a fairly straightforward Scala 3 sample, using significant indentation. Can you spot the compilation error?
JAGS Simulation with Multivariate State-Space Model: The G7 on Food Security
The 49th G7 summit was held recently in Japan. Ukraine was one of the most critical issues at the meeting; most of the session topic was related to problems stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. One of the problems, aforementioned is food security. Because of the war, energy prices have been up. And that has stimulated food inflation. Of course, that is not the only reason but one of the important ones, like the disruption of the food supply chain.
In this article, we will model the food and energy inflation of the G7 countries since the 1990s and make their 5-year projection. We will use the multivariate state-space model with JAGS simulation for that purpose.
First, we will build our data set for the model. We will use food and energy annual CPI rates with the 2015 base-year, from OECD.
How to enable API requests in Fresh
We can't trust browsers because they are designed to execute arbitrary code from website publishers. One of the biggest protections we have is Cross-Origin Request Sharing (CORS), which prevents JavaScript from making HTTP requests to different domains than the one the page is running under.
uniform spacings
A riddle on uniform spacings!, namely when considering eight iid Uniform (0,1) variates as visiting times and three further iid Uniform (0,1) variates as server availability times, with unit service time, the question being the probability a server is available for a ninth visiting time, T⁹.
Weekly report 1, LLVM libc
Hey! I had to start GSoC on sunday last week due to school, and I didn’t
think that I’d write a weekly report for the first week but I decided to
do it anyways.My plan for week 1 was:
>This week I will set up a LLVM toolchain and sysroot for compiling
>programs targeting LLVM libc. I will also start setting up a
>“llvm-libc/Linux from Scratch” chroot.Because I played with LLVM libc before last week I had already completed this
goal. Going forward I will only work in the sysroot until setting up
crossdev because it’s simple and gives me everything I need to fix
dependencies like Python.This far the project has been going pretty smooth, but I’ve also ran
into some issues which I will comment on. -
Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis with R workshop
Learn how to use propensity score analysis in R! Join our workshop on Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis with R which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series.