Programming Leftovers
Expected performance of a Bloom filter
A Bloom filter is a standard data structure in computer science to approximate a set. Basically, you start with a large array of bits, all initialized at zero. Each time you want to add an element to the set, you compute k different hash values and you set the bits at the k corresponding locations to one.
JSON CEE structured logging for WebRTC, SIP and XMPP
I've recently added JSON CEE structured logging to reSIProcate and submitted pull requests for identical functionality in some related projects.
The use case for structured logging is quite compelling in the RTC world, which includes WebRTC, SIP and XMPP software. In the early days, we would do everything with a single process like Asterisk and we would only have to deal with a single log file. Today, especially with WebRTC, we often have multiple processes involved in a single phone call or video meeting. When something goes wrong, we need to be able to look at the logs from all of these processes. Structured logging provides a convenient way to combine and analyze the log files.
CI/CD Security: Challenges and Best Practices
This article will delve into the challenges and risks associated with CI/CD security, best practices for securing the pipeline, code, and infrastructure, and an overview of the tools and technologies available to organizations to ensure their CI/CD process is secure. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the importance of CI/CD security, and the steps necessary to mitigate the risks associated with it.
The Linux Foundation Announces WasmCon Event Focused on WebAssembly Technologies
Querying Relational Databases With SQLAlchemy in Python
If you are interested in working with relational databases in Python, then you need to know what SQLAlchemy is. It is a Python library that provides a high-level, SQL abstraction layer for relational databases. With SQLAlchemy, you can interact with databases using Python objects and methods, rather than writing raw SQL queries. In this tutorial, you will learn how to get started with SQLAlchemy and also learn how to interact with and query an SQLite relational database with the SQLAlchemy library.