today's howtos
Manage Package Dependencies on Linux Like a Pro With the ldd Command
Learn dependency management using the ldd command to better administer your Linux machine and installed packages.
What Are Subreapers In Linux?
Zombie and orphan processes are popular concepts that are commonly discussed among system programmers and operating system developers. So what are zombie processes and why does the kernel maintain them? To answer this question, we have to first understand the basics of process cleanup/termination in the Linux kernel.
In Linux, a process is a running instance of a program or application. It can be seen as an individual task that is being executed on the system. Every process in Linux has a unique process ID (PID), which is a number assigned to it by the operating system. The PID can be used to identify and manage the process. If we close or terminate a program or application, the process exits/terminates.
which vs. whereis vs. whatis in Linux: What Are the Differences?
You might have used which, whereis, and whatis commands on Linux several times. All three commands help you find information about other Linux commands. These commands look similar, but they do have some differences.
Here's a detailed comparison of the which, whereis, and whatis commands on Linux.
6 Linux Terminal Mistakes Beginners Make
The Linux command line traces its family tree all the way back to 1969, and it’s still the most efficient way to perform certain tasks. Just make sure you avoid these common mistakes, if you’re just starting out.