today's howtos
Upgrade to Fedora 38 from Fedora 37
Hello, friends. Today, you will learn how to upgrade to Fedora 38 from Fedora 37. Fedora 38 has been recently released as a stable version, including many changes that make it an attractive release this year.
How to install Apache, PHP and MySQL on Debian 12 or 11
Combined Apache, PHP, and MySQL create a basic but popular web development stack known as LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). This open-source stack is widely used for building PHP-based web applications and websites.
How to Install KeePassXC on Fedora 38/37/36 Linux
In the digital age, securing your online accounts is more important than ever. Passwords serve as the first line of defense against unauthorized access, and a password manager can help you maintain strong, unique passwords for all your accounts. One such password manager is KeePassXC, a powerful, open-source solution to secure sensitive information.
How to Install Sysdig on Debian 12/11/10
Sysdig is an innovative, powerful, and versatile monitoring and troubleshooting solution that caters to the needs of modern containerized environments.
How To Master the RPM Command
As a Linux user, you've likely encountered RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), a powerful package management system used by various Linux distributions including Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, OpenSUSE, and more. RPM is known for its simplicity, ease of use, and enhanced security features. In this guide, we'll explore the RPM command and its practical use cases, from installing and upgrading packages to querying and verifying them. Let's get started!
Trying Out Some Nautilus Extensions
Nautilus is the default File Manager used on the GNOME desktop in Ubuntu.
For those of you use Nautilus as your default File Manager, I am going to cover some extensions that you can add to make Nautilus function better for you.
NOTE: Nautilus is not just available on Ubuntu, but you can install it on other distros as well. The extensions may not be available or have a different name.
Administrator Privileges
Palemoon Firefox based browser how to fix “Could not find the Mozilla runtime.” startup error problem issue
How To Install MongoDB on Fedora 38
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install MongoDB on Fedora 38. Are you looking to install MongoDB on your Fedora 38 system but don't know where to start? Look no further!
How To Install SELinux on Rocky Linux 9
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install SELinux on Rocky Linux 9. Are you worried about the security of your system resources?
How To Install LAMP Stack on Fedora 38
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install LAMP Stack on Fedora 38.
How To Upgrade To Fedora 38 From Fedora 37 [Workstation And Server]
Fedora 38 has been released! This step by step tutorial explains how to upgrade to Fedora 38 from Fedora 37 and older versions.
How to use a Flex Sensor with Arduino Uno
In this tutorial, we will use Arduino with a flex sensor to get the degree of bending. Flex sensors are commonly used in applications such