Red Hat Leftovers
Red Hat at 30: Success with a Whiff of Open Source and Linux
Red Hat's 30th anniversary is a testament to the power of Open Source and the strength of the Linux community. Happy Birthday, Red Hat!
Fedora Community Blog: Council policy proposal:�equalize “auxiliary” positions
At our hackfest earlier this year, the Council agreed that we want to drop the distinction between full and auxiliary positions on the Council. Instead, we should have all members on an equal footing. The concerns expressed by some on the former Fedora Board (the predecessor to the Council) haven’t come to pass. But we have seen a negative impact: people in these roles feel less empowered to act, and unsure about their standing as a “real” member of the Council.
Fedora Community Blog: Community Blog monthly summary: March 2023
This is the latest in our monthly series summarizing the past month on the Community Blog. Please leave a comment below to let us know what you think.
Daniel Pocock: Brno suicides: in defence of Red Hat & Fedora
In 2022 I was one of the bloggers who analyzed the tragic Debian Day Volunteer Suicide.
Shortly after that, people began asking me to publish something about suicides in Brno. In the Debian case, all of us Debian Developers have full access to the debian-private history so we can all verify the authenticity of the messages. I've never worked for Red Hat and I've never been to Brno so there is no easy way for me to verify an email and publish it on my blog.
Furthermore, in the case of Frans Pop, it is hard to deny a connection to Debian because he resigned to commit suicide the night before the Debian Day anniversary. Red Hat employs 1180 people in Brno, that is a large enough number that if one person did commit suicide it may be completely unrelated to their workplace.
Find mistakes in your playbooks with Ansible Lint
Find mistakes in your playbooks with Ansible Lint
IT hiring: Why your tech stack matters
The stock market can rise and fall; a pandemic can overtake the globe; overall employment rates can fluctuate wildly – but one thing will stay the same: the demand for tech talent.
Over the last decade – and especially in the last few years – the tech sector has shown itself to be curiously invulnerable to wider trends in employment. Unemployment in the sector has hovered at around 2 percent, even with the recent layoffs and much to the frustration of recruiters, who work tirelessly to secure top talent in an ultra-competitive field.
Accordingly, the usual perks employers use to lure in high-quality candidates – say, lax remote work policies, employee perks, salary, and benefits – are less effective when it comes to recruiting tech candidates.
Cybersecurity hiring: Drive transformation through new talent pipelines
The evolving technology landscape has spurred business transformation across industries – driving efficiency and unlocking new opportunities for companies to scale and increase impact.
But as businesses evolve, potential threats are expanding too. Business leaders must navigate an increasingly complex, ever-changing world of cybersecurity imperatives that require innovative approaches to mitigate these new risks.