Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and More

Raspberry Pi NTP Server
Setting up an NTP server on a Raspberry Pi to serve the LAN clients without them having to contact the Internet.
Old RC transmitter becomes new MIDI controller
If you're going to produce electronic music on a PC, you need some sort of input tool. That can be your keyboard and mouse, but most producers prefer to use a dedicated MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) controller.
Interfacing a Tilt Sensor with Arduino Uno
In this tutorial, we will use a tilt sensor with the Arduino Uno to measure an object's orientation or tilt. This sensor has wide applications
Metal enclosures for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO board
Nevertheless, it turns out there are at least two of this type of metal enclosures for the CM4 IO board, and when buying full systems, they may provide a way to source Raspberry Pi CM4 system-on-modules since individual modules are so hard to purchase if you are not a company with some minimum monthly production volume.
Measure pi with a Raspberry Pi
March 14th is celebrated around the world as Pi Day. Many people celebrate Pi Day by measuring pi with objects found around the house. I wanted to do something similar for this year's Pi Day using my Raspberry Pi 3B. Read on to learn how I measured pi using my Raspberry Pi.
What you'll need: