Kubernetes, Containers, and Servers in General
Understanding Kubernetes security challenges
Kubernetes has become the go-to container orchestration tool for deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications. While Kubernetes offers many benefits, it also introduces new security challenges that must be addressed.
Large cluster performance, cost, and design trade-offs
In the realm of modern computing, large clusters of computers are becoming increasingly important for organizations of all kinds, including scientific research institutions, financial firms, and e-commerce companies.
Live cluster updates
In today's digital age, where applications run the world, scalability and performance are crucial for businesses. Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration system, has emerged as a popular platform to manage large, complex applications.
Backslash Security Unveils Tool to Visualize Cloud-Native Code Flows
Backslash Security emerged from stealth today to provide IT teams with a visual tool that identifies workflows in cloud-native code that could lead to a security breach. Fresh from raising $8 million in funding, Backslash Security CEO Shahar Man says the company’s namesake tool provides a lightweight approach to mapping
SRE Use Cases for AI-Assisted Kubernetes
As indicated in the article Cloud Automation in 2021 – the new normal in the tech industry, an AI-assisted Kubernetes orchestrator can serve many use cases to optimize cloud costs for DevOps, DevSecOps and site reliability engineering (SRE). This blog describes SRE-specific use cases for an AI-assisted Kubernetes orchestrator.
High availability, scalability, and capacity planning
High availability, scalability, and capacity planning are crucial aspects of any modern IT infrastructure.
High availability best practices
In today's world of technology, downtime can lead to significant financial losses for businesses. It is essential to ensure high availability of services to provide seamless and uninterrupted services to customers.