today's leftovers
Passwords are weaker than you believe
Passwords suck. Passwords made by humans suck. It does not matter what kind of length or complexity requirements you impose, what comes out is not random.
iTWire - PC shipments fell in final quarter of 2022 and also for the year
Shipments of PCs in 2022 hit a low note in the final quarter, with total shipments of desktops and notebooks falling by 29% for a total of 65.4 million units.
Technology analyst firm Canalys said this was the fourth straight quarter when shipments fell, and brought the total for the year to 285.1 million units, a 16.1% drop from 2021.
Another analyst firm, IDC, had a slightly higher figure for the final quarter, saying 67.2 million units were shipped for a drop of 28.1%, with the annual figure being 292.3 million units.
My Neighbor Mastodon 2 - David Revoy
A new artwork I made to celebrate 20K followers on my Mastodon profile (a parody of the famous animation "My Neighbor Totoro").
I switch this artwork under 'fan-art/fair-use' because even if I painted it from scratch, the artwork contains many element of derivation that belong to Ghibli studio. I read recently a blog-post about fair-use and transformative derivation of copyrighted material, and I prefer protect myself about it.
mjg59 | Blogging and microblogging
Twitter's now under new ownership that appears to think all the worst bits of Twitter were actually the good bits, so I've mostly bailed to the Fediverse instead. There's no intrinsic length limit on posts there - Mastodon defaults to 500 characters per post, but that's configurable per instance. But even at 500 characters, it means there's more room to provide thoughtful context than there is on Twitter, and what I've seen so far is more detailed conversation and higher levels of meaningful engagement. Which is great! Except it also seems to discourage some of the posting style that I found so valuable on Twitter - if your timeline is full of nuanced discourse, it feels kind of rude to just scream "THIS FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT IGNORES THE HIGH ADDRESS BIT ON EVERY OTHER WRITE" even though that's exactly the sort of content I'm there for.
Rubenerd: Dave asks about the WordPress block editor
I’ve maintained a dozen or so WordPress sites for various people and orgs since 2006. Not for lack of trying, but the feedback from people of all technical abilities, experience, and writing style is that the block editor is frustrating for anything more than page layout work.
Some of us have learned the hard way to write elsewhere and paste, but some people do use the editor as an… editor. And for that, it’s primary conceit is treating paragraphs as discrete objects, rather than connected thoughts. Writers don’t think, draft, or edit like this.
15 Best Web Browsers for Linux Systems [Ed: List updated]
What’s a web browser? It’s the tool we use to navigate the Web, so it’s a pretty big deal! But what about the best web browser? That’s something we can help you uncover! Actually, there is nothing called the best web browser for any Linux distribution. It totally depends on user preferences and the type of browsing experience you are looking for. But with Linux, you don’t have to worry much because there is a great variety of web browsers available for different types of users.
Making a DIY Raspberry Pi camera mount with privacy mode! - CNX Software
I’ve just repurposed an empty XYLITOL gum bottle into a DIY camera mount for the Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 with privacy mode to boot… In order to avoid confusion, while Xylitol is a chemical compound, it’s also a Japanese brand of chewing gums (Lotte XYLITOL) that is sold in Thailand and other countries. I’m specifically talking about the latter in this post.
Raspberry Pi Trading has just sent me a bunch of Raspberry Pi Camera Modules 3 for review, and since I don’t have any camera mount I initially thought maybe I’ll laser cut some mount or use some LEGOs as I did with the e-CAM20_CURB camera for Raspberry Pi 4. But then I saw some empty XYLITOL gum bottles, noticed the cap would open vertically, and it seemed like the modules might fit in there as well.
Yum Extender is very keyboard friendly
It has been a design goal to make Yum Extender NextGen very keyboard friendly, not just having keyboard shortcuts, but also have a effective workflow.
Linux Weekly Roundup #218
Welcome to this week's Linux Weekly Roundup. We had a peaceful week in the world of Linux releases with MX Linux 21.3 as the only major release. Maybe the peace before the storm :)