Devices: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and ATTiny
Best Accessories to Supercharge Your Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is one of the most pocket-friendly single-board computers out there.
You can get the tiniest Raspberry Pi Zero for $5 or purchase the Raspberry Pi 4 (with 1 GB RAM or more) starting at $35.
However, that is not the end of it. You will need certain accessories to make it functional for a project you want to use it with.
Arduino MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 gets a Bosch BME688 4-in-1 environmental sensor - CNX Software
Arduino has launched the MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 board for Arduino MKR boards with a Bosch SensorTech BME688 4-in-1 pressure, humidity, temperature, and gas sensor replacing the HTS221 humidity sensor and LP22HB barometric pressure sensor, and the LSM6DSOX taking the place of the LSM6DS3, among other some other small changes.
First sold as part of the Arduino Oplà IoT Kit, the Arduino MKR IoT Carrier eventually became available on its own in February 2021 offering a display, sensors, and I/Os for Arduino MKR boards with wireless connectivity. The company has now introduced a second revision for the Arduino MKR IoT Carrier with new sensors and repositioning of some of the components following customer feedback.
Raspberry Pi revives a Smith Corona word processor
One of the earliest predecessors of what would come to be the super-slim, internet-enabled portable workstation we now call a “laptop” was a Personal Word Processor. And Redditor /Maz_Baz has restored one such retro beauty to functional glory with a Raspberry Pi.
Dead Washer Lives Again With ATTiny
We aren’t saying that appliances are a scam, but we have noticed that when your appliances fail, there’s a good chance it will be some part you can no longer get from the appliance maker. Or in some cases, it’s a garden-variety part that should cost $2, but has been marked up to $40. When [Balakrishnan] had a failure of the timer control board for a Whirlpool washing machine, it was time to reverse engineer the board and replace it with a small microcontroller.