today's howtos
Install Kodi 19.5 On Ubuntu 22.10/ 22.04 - Linux Mint - Tips On Unix
This tutorial will be helpful for beginners to install Kodi 19.5 On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Ubuntu 22.10, and Linux Mint 21.
8 Typos You Really Need to Avoid on Linux
The Linux command line delivers great power. The problem is, the correct use of that power hinges on the accuracy of your typing. Here are eight typos you never want to make.
What Are utmp, wtmp, and btmp Files in Linux?
If you are aware of the Linux file structure, then you might already be aware of the “/var/log” directory that is responsible for keeping the system related logs.
You can easily list the content of this directory using the ls command.
Syslog-ng 101, part 4: Configuration and testing | Random thoughts of Peter Czanik
This is the fourth part of my syslog-ng tutorial. I hope that since the previous part of my tutorial, you successfully installed syslog-ng. In this part we will finally work with syslog-ng, not just learn about the theoretical background. We will do basic configuration and testing.
Linux files: creating, listing, updating, and more | Network World
Linux provides a number of handy commands for managing file permissions, understanding who has access to the files and checking on file content.
How to install and run Linux apps on a Chromebook | Android Central
Your Chromebook probably does everything you want it to do. You have the web and mankind's lifetime of achievements, Chrome apps and extensions, and Android apps right out of the box. Click and use. But it can do even more.
That's where Linux programs and the command line come into play. Linux has been around forever and chances are that no matter what you want to do there is a Linux app that does it. Since your Chromebook is just another Linux laptop at its core and Google has finally made it easy to install third-party Linux apps you might want to give it a go.