Year of the RSS reader?
Well. Maybe? Certainly there’s an opportunity for something better. Between Twitter going to hell and the difficulty in keeping up with information, there’s opportunity. Something that unifies or improves ActivityPub and RSS and… all of the things, would be damn nice. I don’t see it on the horizon yet.
And I don’t see droves of people going back to RSS. I still use it, where it’s available, but my habits aren’t the best predictor of what others will use.
My prediction here is that 2023 is going to be messy as hell when it comes to social media and media consumption. Lots of parties will be vying for the top spot, and there’s a great deal of opportunity if someone gets it right. Will people have finally learned the lesson against centralization and letting the virtual town halls be controlled by entities like Twitter? Would love to see it, but I’m skeptical.
Whatever wins I don’t think it’s going to be RSS or ActivityPub in its current form. I’m betting someone is tinkering with a contender right now, hopefully in the form of an open protocol with open source implementations. Maybe ActivityPub++ or maybe something entirely new.