Software: Hosting Control Panels and LaTeX Editors
What is Linux hosting with cPanel software? - Linux Shout
Online you can find dozens of Linux-based hosting service providers such as Godaddy, Hostinger, and more, but what is the common among them? It is the usage of the most popular operating system Linux. Because of its lightweight and free + open-source license. However, the thing which makes beginners annoyed while using Linux is its command line interface. That’s why Linux hosting providers generally combined it with Cpanel (Control Panel) software, one of the best among other popular GUI control panels.
7 Best free Cloud Web hosting Control Panels for 2023 [Ed: List extended by one item]
20+ Best LaTeX Editors for Linux System [Ed: Newly-updated list]
LaTeX is a standard markup language often used in the Linux arena. It takes users to the level of document editing, where they can control content and insert styles. Though there are many good LaTeX Editors available for Linux, beginners may find it challenging to choose the right one according to their level of expertise.
To save such users from the hassle, let’s take a look at some of the best LaTeX Editors available for Linux. This list aims to help both beginner and advanced users find the best LaTeX Editor for their needs on a Linux system.