today's howtos
Server Disk Usage - The Linux Schools Project
I was looking for a way of improving the Disk Usage feature in the Web Management. The graphs were being drawn using images with the width set which seemed sub optimal. In addition to this the disk usage information was being generated using the du command which does not cache results nor does it have a built in way of storing the information for later retrieval. This causes a problem in that users do not want to be waiting 5 minutes for the disk usage information to appear on the page. My earlier work in getting this to work was run from a cron job that ran once a week but was resulting in a lot of files being generated for the disk usage information, and I was hoping to replace this with a database solution using SQLite.
How to install Adminer on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Linux Shout
Follow the commands given in this tutorial to install Adminer Database manager on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS using Terminal.
Just like PHPMyAdmin, Adminer is also an open-source web-based tool to manage databases. Earlier it was known as phpMinAdmin, however, later its developers changed its name to Adminer. Maybe to remove the confusion that appears with the similarity of its name with PHPMyAdmin.
Adminer is better than phpMyAdmin in terms of performance and is also a lightweight alternative. Further, it natively supports a wide range of database systems. Such as MariaDB/MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and SQLite. Elasticsearch and more…
MBR/DOS vs GPT partition scheme for Linux
When partitioning a hard disk or other storage device, you have a choice on what type of partition scheme to use. By far, the two most common partition schemes to use are MBR (Master Boot Record, sometimes also referred to as msdos) and GPT (GUID Partition Table). When preparing to partition and format your hard drive, it is important to understand the differences between these two schemes in order to choose which one is ideal for your situation.
In this tutorial, we will look at the differences of MBR/DOS vs GPT partition schemes. We will specifically look at them through the context of a Linux system, and give you some pointers so you can quickly and reliably determine which of these two schemes you should be using for your storage devices. Read on to learn about the differences.
How to use lscpu command to get CPU information - Darryl Dias
The lscpu command is a helpful utility for displaying information about the CPU (Central Processing Unit) on a Linux system. This command can be used to obtain detailed information about the CPU, including the number of CPU cores, the CPU type, the CPU speed, and the type of CPU architecture.
Bash script to monitor CPU and Memory usage on Linux
Memory usage on Linux is generally measured in terms of the amount of RAM being used by a particular process. This can be monitored by using the free command which displays the total amount of memory, used memory, and free memory available on the system.
CPU usage on Linux is generally measured in terms of the number of CPU cores being used by a particular process. This can be monitored by using the top command which displays the amount of CPU cores and the total amount of CPU time being used.