Red Hat Leftovers
Cryostat 2.2’s new JMX credentials keyring | Red Hat Developer
An important security enhancement for Java applications is now available through Java Management Extensions (JMX), using open source JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) management with Cryostat. (Cryostat is a container-native JVM application that provides a secure API for profiling and monitoring containers with JFR.) This article explains how the new JMX credentials keyring offers an alternative credential management system.
Cryostat 2.2 is released with enhanced Java recording features | Red Hat Developer
Version 2.2 of Cryostat, an advanced monitoring tool for Java applications, has been released, and the new version offers a lot to talk about. A new Discovery Plugin API to make Cryostat more flexible; a new JMX credentials keyring that enhances automated rules for targets using JMX authentication and enhancing security; many user interface features and improvements; integration with the JMC bytecode agent; and improvements for OpenShift RBAC, Pod security contexts, and node scheduling.
Cryostat 2.2 also comes with a fresh new logo and a revamped upstream project website. As always, the team is very excited to announce and publish this release, and we look forward to hearing your feedback. Watch this space for upcoming feature articles discussing the big-ticket items.
How to implement single sign-out in Keycloak with Spring Boot | Red Hat Developer
Single sign-on is often implemented with Keycloak. Few people know that Keycloak can also implement single sign-out, where logging out from one application causes Keycloak to log the user out of other applications. This article demonstrates how to enable single sign-out to clean up active sessions for security purposes. We implement these capabilities in Java and Spring Boot, but the principles apply to any language.
How to use workflow job templates in Ansible | Enable Sysadmin
Ansible Automation Platform's workflow job templates amplify the power of your Ansible playbooks to improve your organization's automation.
IT leadership: 5 tips for smarter collaboration
Smarter collaboration refers to how people with the right expertise and background come together – at the right time – to achieve better results than anyone could on their own. This contrasts with a “go-it-alone” approach that may seem easier in the moment but is limited by one’s own experience, perspectives, and blind spots.
Smarter collaboration generates financial, innovation, and talent benefits across departments and functions, including IT. As business systems become more complex and technology-enabled (think cloud computing, RPA, AI), a wider range of perspectives – including those of customers, internal end-users, and company leaders – are needed to assess potential opportunities as well as issues.
CIOs should embrace these 5 terms in 2023
The role of the chief information officer is more critical than ever as technology continues to impact nearly all business processes. In recent years, CIOs have expanded their focus beyond implementing SaaS programs to developing longer-term operational strategies to have a multifaceted impact on today’s organizations.
While digital transformation and cloud computing are likely already a part of every CIO’s nomenclature, here are five key terms IT leaders should know to ensure that technology drives KPIs in all departments, from customer service to human resources and risk management to logistics and procurement.