Free Software: Twitter's Abandonment, Open Data Discovery Platform (ODDP), and Rakudo Weekly News
Twitter turns its back on open-source development | ZDNET
When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he started by firing half of the social network's staff. That's a recipe for failure right there. Leaving aside Musk's management and policy failures, social networks need experienced developers to keep moving forward.
ODD Platform: Open-source data discovery and observability
Provectus released v0.8 of its Open Data Discovery Platform (ODDP), an open-source platform that helps data-driven enterprises democratize their data.
2022.49 ReleaseMas Again - Rakudo Weekly News
This week saw a new Rakudo compiler release (2022.12 by Justin DeVuyst) with a nice bunch of new features and bug fixes, a new Cro release (mostly to fix a testing issue that would inhibit installation by default) and a new release of the Podlite editor (0.4.0, with markdown block support, /r/rakulang comments). Nice prezzies!