Armbian 22.11 (UPDATED)
- added Bananapi M5, Odroid M1 and Rockpi 4C plus
- enabled community images with weekly release cycle
- added ultra minimal images optimized for software deployment
- added RiscV64 UEFI build support
- improved support for Rockpi S
kernel upgrade is frozen by default to improve stability
A couple of articles now:
Armbian 22.11 Adds RISC-V 64, Banana Pi M5, ODROID-M1, and Rock Pi 4C+ Support
The Armbian 22.11 release is here more than three months after Armbian 22.08 and introduces support for the Banana Pi M5, ODROID-M1, and Rock Pi 4C+ single-board computers, RISC-V 64 UEFI build support, as well as improved support for the ROCK Pi S Rockchip RK3308-based single-board computer.
This release also adds ultra minimal images that have been optimized for software deployment, improves stability by freezing kernel upgrades by default, implements Plymouth boot splash support for Linux kernel 5.19 or later, and adds support for the gpiod library to ARMhf and AArch64 server and desktop images for accessing GPIO pins/lines.
Armbian 22.11 released with 64-bit RISC-V UEFI, ultra minimal images support - CNX Software
Armbian 22.11 has just been released with three new SBCs, support for 64-bit RISC-V UEFI, a new ultra-minimal image optimized for software development, and various improvements.
Armbian was born as a framework to build better OS images, usually Debian or Ubuntu, for Arm-based single board computers from Orange Pi, Hardkernel (ODROID), FriendlyElec, Banana Pi, and others, but now with the release of Armbian 22.11, support for the RISC-V architecture has started since the system can now generate 64-bit RISC-V UEFI images.