Security Leftovers
Security updates for Friday []
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (firefox), Mageia (dropbear, freerdp, java, libx11, and tumbler), Slackware (ruby), SUSE (erlang, grub2, libdb-4_8, and tomcat), and Ubuntu (exim4, jbigkit, and tiff).
Top 8 Free Tools for security testing and audit of your Kubernetes cluster in 2022
Docker is a technology for containerization, while Kubernetes is a tool for orchestrating container deployments. In the subsequent subsections, we will discuss a variety of open-source tools that really are useful for securing Kubernetes clusters. These open source tools involve code snippets that will help with static scanning of Docker images, security auditing, hardening Kubernetes clusters, and incorporating runtime security. Some of the most popular Kubernetes clusters managed by cloud providers include AWS EKS, Azure AKS, and Google CKE. The following is a list of open source tools that may be used to do security scans and that can be incorporated into your CI/CD pipeline in order to analyze images while your apps are being built:
Introduction to MITRE ATT-CK - Featuring Version 12 (2022)
Have you ever wondered how to create a prioritized list of threat actors? Or identify what malicious tactics and techniques are most relevant? Or what security controls should be improved first? The MITRE ATT&CK Framework can help. Version 12 has just been released and this blog will help you understand what the Framework is and what’s new.
Solene'% : Hard user separation with two NixOS as one
This blog post is a republication of the article I published on my employer's blog under CC BY 4.0. I'm grateful to be allowed to publish NixOS related content there, but also to be able to reuse it here!
The universal right to install any software on any device