Red Hat and Fedora Leftovers
Code Comments - Season 1, Episode 2: Tech Mahindra and Networks
Tech Mahindra’s Sandeep Sharma explains how companies can keep pace with unforeseen changes and customer expectations.
Red Hat Helps Make Kubernetes Security More Accessible - The New Stack
Red Hat is applying StackRox to provide a comprehensive security management platform and associated tools for cloud native security.
Leveraging Open Source Technology to Drive Digital Transformation
Open source plays a vital role in world where software is everywhere. Enterprises aiming to achieve successful digital transformation must adopt and leverage open source software and also contribute to it. So, how intertwined is edge computing with open source and how can companies use open source technologies for their hybrid cloud plans and digital transformation initiatives? Enterprise Talk chats with Ian Hood, Chief Stratergist at Red Hat, to learn more about the advantages of switching to open source software and also how OpenShift API Management can benefit enterprises by modernizing legacy systems, accelerating the release of new apps, and boosting developer productivity.
Friday’s Fedora Facts: 2022-47 - Fedora Community Blog
Here’s your weekly Fedora report. Read what happened this week and what’s coming up. Your contributions are welcome (see the end of the post)!
Fedora Linux 35 will reach end of life on 2022-12-13.
I have weekly office hours on Wednesdays in the morning and afternoon (US/Eastern time) in #fedora-meeting-1. Drop by if you have any questions or comments about the schedule, Changes, elections, or anything else. See the upcoming meetings for more information.
Find anything you need with fzf, the Linux fuzzy finder tool | Enable Sysadmin
I'm thankful for the Linux fuzzy finder tool because it superpowers the command line by making it fast to find whatever I'm looking for.
CIOs beware: IT teams are changing
The pandemic accelerated a trend that CIOs long knew was coming: Technology is the linchpin of a successful organization, and it is the IT team’s responsibility to manage it effectively whether the landscape is in-office, hybrid, or remote. As with any evolution, traditional IT functions such as answering support tickets, patchworking systems, and making ad hoc changes to end-user software are no longer the primary focus of their roles.
In 2021, 94% of IT professionals agreed that their roles and responsibilities have moved away from simply provisioning IT equipment and are now focused on providing solutions that promote employee collaboration and productivity. This research highlights that only 40 percent of an IT professional’s day is spent on “keeping the lights on” – software upgrades, troubleshooting requests, etc. The rest of their day is spent developing larger organizational strategies and employee experience tasks.
Red Hat Shares ― Edge computing for 5G and telecommunications
Future of BIOS RAID support in the installer
Hi, I am planning to change how we support BIOS RAID (sometimes also called Firmware or Fake RAID) in the installer in the future. I plan to go through the official Fedora change process for Fedora 38, but I'd like to get some feedback first.
We are currently using dmraid to support these types of RAIDs in blivet[1] (storage library the Anaconda installer uses) and we would like to replace it with mdadm. The main reason is that dmraid is no longer actively maintained, but it will also mean one less dependency for the installer (we use mdadm for the software RAID support) and one less service running during boot (dmraid-activation.service).