Red Hat and Fedora Leftovers
3 things sysadmins need to know about edge computing | Enable Sysadmin
As more edge devices appear on enterprise networks, sysadmins need the knowledge and tools to support them.
Artificial intelligence: 3 tips to ensure responsible and ethical use | The Enterprisers Project
Artificial intelligence (AI) already impacts our daily lives in ways we never imagined just a few years ago – and in ways that we’re unaware of now. From self-driving cars to voice-assisted devices to predictive text messaging, AI has become a necessary and unavoidable part of our society, including in the workplace.
IT talent: The 3 C’s for life/work balance | The Enterprisers Project
Early in my 40-year IT executive search and technical recruiting career, I noticed that when candidates made decisions about which jobs to accept, their evaluation criteria often differed from what they initially told me.
Over time, a pattern emerged, which led me to create a construct I call the “6 C's,” a tool to help candidates clarify their priorities and make more rational, objective decisions.
The NeuroFedora Blog: Next Open NeuroFedora meeting: 21 November 1300 UTC
Why GPUs are essential for AI and high-performance computing | Red Hat Developer
Graphics processing units (GPU) have become the foundation of artificial intelligence. Machine learning was slow, inaccurate, and inadequate for many of today's applications. The inclusion and utilization of GPUs made a remarkable difference to large neural networks. Deep learning discovered solutions for image and video processing, putting things like autonomous driving or facial recognition into mainstream technology.
The connection between GPUs and OpenShift does not stop at data science. High-performance computing is one of the hottest trends in enterprise tech. Cloud computing creates a seamless process enabling various tasks designated for supercomputers, better than any other computing power you use, saving you time and money.