Events: LibreOffice Conference 2022 and FOSDEM 2023 In Person
LibreOffice Conference 2022: Impressions from an attendee (and speaker!)
Since the LibreOffice Conference 2022 was a “hybrid” conference, I decided to travel to Milan. These were exciting days. I gave two presentations: “Introduction to the ‘Limo Stretch’ feature of shapes” and “Creating ‘fontwork’ geometries beyond the predefined shapes”. The first one is addressed at developers, whereas the second one is suitable for everyone. You find the slides and additional material here and here. Videos of my talks are below.
It was important for me to gain insights into other areas. The Community Meetings on Wednesday introduced me to the problems that LibreOffice communities have in several regions of the world, along with solutions and success stories from others. During the conference, I heard a lot about language-specific aspects of LibreOffice. Do you have ever think about the way a piece of text in Arabic is justified? Or noticed what special problems occur with writing directions top-to-bottom and then right-to-left as used in Japanese?
Last but not least, I enjoyed personally meeting community members. Having lunch together and the wonderful pasta community dinner were opportunities to get to know each other, beyond code review, Bugzilla and mailing lists. I hope to meet you all again at next LibreOffice Conference.
FOSDEM 2023 In Person – Community DevRoom Call for Participation! | Laura’s Blog
The twenty-third edition will take place Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th February 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.