today's howtos
Day 4: the min() function
It’s time to get me up on speed with modern CSS. There’s so much new in CSS that I know too little about. To change that I’ve started #100DaysOfMoreOrLessModernCSS. Why more or less modern CSS? Because some topics will be about cutting-edge features, while other stuff has been around for quite a while already, but I just have little to no experience with it.
Drive failure and IO errors? ZFS to the rescue!
It's funny, because it's actually difficult to put into words. I have dealt with different filesystems over the past 35+ years, but one thing is clear, ZFS is unique! Absolutely nothing compares. And it's not just the fact that ZFS tries really really hard to protect your data, actually amazingly hard, but it almost also "holds your hand" while it does it.
Detecting manual (and optimizing large) package installs in Puppet - anarcat
I recently worked on a neat hack called puppet-package-check. It is designed to warn about manually installed packages, to make sure "everything is in Puppet". But it turns out it can (probably?) dramatically increase the bootstrap time of Puppet bootstrap when it needs to install a large number of packages.
GNU Linux Debian 11 (bullseye) – find and remove duplicates files with czkawka_cli (successor to fslint)
Linux rmdir Command Examples for Beginners
As Linux users, we interact with the files and directories on a regular basis. One common operation users perform is removing directories from the file system. However, we have to be extra careful while removing the directories. Because carelessly performed removal operations can result in data loss.
In this beginner-friendly article, we will learn about the rmdir command. We will also discuss some of the practical examples that can be used on a day-to-day basis.