today's howtos
The problem of network tunnels and (asymmetric) routing
Your life is generally easier if the external machine E is not directly reachable from the Internet and instead you have to go through a different IP address to reach it (such as a gateway); often this means you have no conflicting routes, since you can't reach E's (private) IP address except through the tunnel. Of course you may have a similar problem if you need to manage the gateway machine itself, since that machine definitely has a public IP address.
FreeBSD Cope with WiFi Fuckup
I really wanted the name of this article does not sound dramatically but I was not able to invent any other title … none the less the wireless/WiFi topic can be problematic on the FreeBSD land. Its a known feat of FreeBSD that is does its job best at the server room and that laptop/desktop based configurations tend to need some ‘love’ to be usable. The worst thing of that part is lack of WiFi kernel drivers at all or slower then possible speed like 802.11g on 802.11n capable chips – often as old as 11 years old Intel Ultimate-N 6300 450Mbps card that runs only at 802.11g speed on FreeBSD. The aim of this article is to show you the alternatives and possibilities when it comes to wireless and/or WiFi problems that you may encounter on FreeBSD UNIX system.
Fixing Obscure Bugs: Apache, GZip, ETags, & Edge Compute
If you’re not familiar, ETags are HTTP response headers that are basically used to identify a specific version of a resource. The value of the ETag is often a hash value that’s generated from either the file contents or the date modify, or some combination of the two.
Buttons and the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon
Shortly after I started HTMHell a similar thing happened. Every other website seemed to have inaccessible buttons. While this can be explained by the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon, there’s actually data that confirms my feeling. According to the WebAim 1 Million report, 50.1% of 1 million tested websites contained empty links and 27.2% empty buttons.
So, it was more than a feeling. We are terrible at labelling buttons. I understand that this can be confusing, because there are many different ways of getting the job done.
To help with that issue, I've collected different correct and wrong ways of labelling buttons: [...]