Gemini Articles of Interest
A Gemini client* is needed for the following links.
Python sucks, Too bad it's great
I had an assignment this week where we needed to generate mazes for an algorithm to solve. It was a demonstration on time complexity; with more possible spaces to move the execution time and work done increased exponentially.
In the video lecture, recorded two years ago, he said the maze needed to be 100x100. I didn't want to create a 100x100 2D array of 0s and 1s, building the maze, manually. I thought it'd be easier to write a script to convert a black and white image into the maze so I could draw it in gimp. I saw a video by "Films by Kris" that showed off the "convert" command from ImageMagick which allows you to convert an image to text. This is easier to parse since my graphics knowledge is limited.
Late night thoughts about CDG
Earlier this week, the «Collective Directory of Geminispace» was announced[1]. In short, it is a capsule listing links to other capsule in a categorized manner. This could be a very common thing, but the particularity here relies on being community driven.
A bit like with Antenna[2], geminauts push the information to CDG, adding themselves links they find interesting. I liked the idea a lot and wrote on my tinylog the day of the announcement as well as posting the link in geddit[3]. I started this post as an email I to share a quick feedback about CDG, but thought it might as well be a public response. If it helps even 1 person discover this capsule then it would be worth it instead of a private email.
Considering using IPFS for content hosting
I like the concept of IPFS. I'm considering using it to host my homepage and possibly my Gemini capsule, and to pin some resources pertaining to FOSS, mental health, and digital rights. I'm just not sure about its adjacency to the NFT/Web3 scene.
In theory, I would setup an IPFS node on my Digital Ocean VPS, and use DNSLink to link my domain to an IPFS content address that points to the latest version of my homepage. The IPFS node would also contain pinned web resources that I'd like to keep available through IPFS.
One could use IPFS for its decentralization aand p2p features without ever using Protocol Lab's Filecoin-based NFT and Web3 storage. At least Filecoin uses proof-of-storage cryptocurrency algorithms that are greener and fairer than the computation-based proof-of-work algorithm of Bitcoin, so that kind of eases my conscience a bit.
smolZINE - Issue 34
* Gemini links can be opened using Gemini software. It’s like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.