Programming Leftovers

The world’s going electri c– are you ready to make a buzz?
Where seeing or owning an electric car or hybrid was a rarity a few years back, the global demand for electric vehicles (EVs) has rapidly surged and it does not seem to be slowing down. With this increased need comes a correlated increase in charging points that are easily accessible and convenient to use. E-charging points, as the name suggests, are machines that charge a variety of different electric vehicles and micro mobility devices. The popularity of these has grown so much that the current expectation is for a whopping 25 million new charging points to be erected in Europe and in the US by 2030 to help further facilitate the comfort of EV users*.
rec-def: Program analysis case study – Blog – Joachim Breitner's Homepage
At this week’s International Conference on Functional Programming I showed my rec-def Haskell library to a few people. As this crowd appreciates writing compilers, and example from the realm of program analysis is quite compelling.
How To Calculate Matrices in Python Without NumPy
The vertical series of objects in a Python matrix is generally known as the “columns,” whereas the horizontal series of things is referred to as the “rows.” Like a nested list, the rows and columns were placed on top of one another. If a matrix has “k” rows and “m” columns, and if “k” and “m” are positive integers, the order of such a matrix object is determined by “k-by-m”.
A matrix can hold strings, numbers, and other data kinds of objects. In a matrix, data is stacked in both columns and rows. A key data structure supporting computations in science and math is the matrix. Since Python does not provide a built-in type for a matrix object, we treat either list among lists or even a nested list as a matrix.
Lazy imports for Python []
Starting a Python application typically results in a flurry of imports as modules from various locations (and the modules they import) get added into the application process. All of that occurs before the application even gets started doing whatever it is the user actually launched it for; that delay can be significant—and annoying. Beyond that, many of those imports may not be necessary at all for the code path being followed, so eagerly doing the import is purely wasted time. A proposal back in May would add a way for applications to choose lazy imports, where the import is deferred until the module is actually used.
- 2023 - 8th Open Call
Please note that only the first 70 (seventy) eligible applications submitted in response to the call, taken in chronological order according to the time-stamp of submission will be evaluated by the External Pool of Evaluators for funding
The main topic for the 8th Open Call will be “Resilience and Green Transition” .