Fedora / Red Hat / IBM Leftovers
4 things to know about programming using Ansible | Enable Sysadmin
Maybe this isn't new information for you, or perhaps you've just never thought about it. Ansible works really well, so what does it matter whether it's a programming language?
5 ways data can make you a better IT leader
All successful organizations require strong leadership, whether it comes from a captain on a baseball team, officers in the military, or a founder/CEO at a tech startup. We’ve all seen first-hand how poor leadership results in inefficiencies, lack of organization, poor collaboration, and overall lack of innovation. Today, all companies rely on software and tech, so effective IT management can make or break an organization.
Future-ready CIOs, CTOs, and other IT leaders require certain skill sets to run teams efficiently and effectively, no matter the size or scope of the project. Some of these skills are soft skills such as empathy, compassion, and open communication, but data also plays a key role. You can’t manage what you don’t measure, and data is essential to measuring anything – including IT leadership quality.
OpenShift vs. AWS product mapping - formicapunk
OpenShift is Red Hat’s Kubernetes distribution: it is basically the upstream Kubernetes delivered with monitoring, logging, CI/CD, underlying OS, tested upgrade paths not found with a manual kubernetes.io kubeadm install.
My advice on why you should build containers on your PC | Red Hat Developer
In this article, I will present options for building containers that will run in Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift. There are many reasons against development in the environment that will ultimately run the container, such as cost, speed, tooling, and so on. Creating a container that works on your PC requires a local development environment that gives you the complete experience of coding, building, debugging, and running—and then pushes all pieces of the container to a host or cloud service. The best way to describe this process is tantamount to encapsulating your entire software building experience into one file and then sending it off to a server.
Container development offers a new way of thinking about software development. It is an application development model in which you decide which operating system and runtimes run your application, and which libraries to include. A software container holds the application, libraries, runtimes, operating system, as well as specifications for the network port, environment variable values, and more.
F37 Pre-Beta release validation kicks off - Fedora Community Blog
Fedora Linux is foremost a community-powered distribution. Fedora Linux runs on all sorts of off-the-shelf hardware. The QA team relies on looking at bugs and edge cases coming out of community-owned hardware, so testing pre-release composes is a crucial part of the release process. We try to fix as many of them as we can! Please participate in the pre-beta release validation test week now through 7 September. You can help us catch those bugs at an early stage.
3 essentials for writing a Linux system library in Rust | Red Hat Developer
Learn how to implement 3 practices for writing Linux system libraries: backward compatibility, event-driven asynchronous programming, and logging. (Part 1 of 4)